Golcar Junior Infant And Nursery School

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Golcar Junior Infant And Nursery School

  1. Our Classes
  2. Year 4

Year 4

Welcome to our Year 4 page

Our classes are Badgers and Hedgehogs

Year 4 staff:


Badgers:  Ms. Woodcock                     HedgehogsMr. D


ETA: Mrs. Hughes                         ETA: Ms. Holt

Teaching and Learning in Year 4

Take a look at our long term plan, to see what we will be learning throughout the course of year, in year 4. 


Medium Term Plans

You can view our Topics in more detail, by looking at our Medium Term plans

Ancient Egypt

Cities Versus Villages

Anglo Saxons



Knowledge Organisers

We use our Knowledge Organisers throughout our topic to introduce new vocabulary and 'sticky knowledge' children will learn during Topic lessons. 

Ancient Egypt Knowledge Organiser

City vs Village Knowledge Organiser

Anglo Saxon Knowledge Organiser

Year 4 timetables check - government introduction

The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided.

This year, the children in Year 4 will be doing their timetable's check in June. 

We recommend that the children practise at home with songs, chants, online games including TT Rockstars and Hit the Button. 

The checks are nothing to worry about but if you do have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact your child's class teacher.

Class Countries

Every year group in our school learns about a different country. By the end of Year 6, the children have compiled a Passport to the World containing the learning they have done about each country.  In Year 4, our class country is Egypt.

PSHE - Important 

PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economics education)

PSHE education in school is promoted through our wide and varied curriculum which is carefully planned to enhance the children’s personal, social, emotional and economic development.

At Golcar J, I & N School, we use the PSHE Association’s three core themes: Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World. These three themes form part of a developmental, spiral curriculum. This means that the same key principles are revisited each year but are taken a step further to build upon the children’s knowledge and understanding. They permeate school life and are discussed regularly in assemblies and lessons, forming part of our day to day vocabulary.

This terms theme is 'Health and Wellbeing' where we will focus on positive ways that we can keep our mind and body healthy. Towards end of this half term, we will be learning about the human life cycle (puberty) and this will include identifying and naming the main parts of the body including external genitalia (e.g. vulva, vagina, penis, testicles). We will also discuss the changing adolescent body in relation to periods and wet dreams. These lessons are in line with the new statutory framework, Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and the Science curriculum and are an important aspect in helping to keep our children safe. 

Newsletters 2023 - 24

Year group newsletters are written each half term and contain information about current learning, reminders, how to support your child's learning at home and key dates. The newsletters are sent out via email, are uploaded to our Class Dojo class stories and can be viewed by clicking the links below.

Our current newsletter: Spring 1

 Year 4 Newsletter Spring 1.pdfDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1

PE days

Hedgehogs – Tuesday and Thursday

Badgers - Tuesday and Friday

Please ensure children come into school in their PE kits on their designated PE days.  Indoor kits should consist of black or blue shorts, a plain white T Shirt and a pair of pumps.
Outdoor kits should include a pair of jogging bottoms or leggings, a tracksuit top (no hoods please) and a pair of trainers.

Useful Websites

Reading Plus

Times tables Rock Stars- https://play.ttrockstars.com/

White Rose Maths- https://whiterosemaths.com/for-parents/

Reading Plus- https://login.readingplus.com/

Super Movers- https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/times-table-collection/z4vv6v4

BBC Bitesize-https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/primary

Oak Academy- https://classroom.thenational.academy/subjects-by-key-stage/key-stage-2

