Manor Road, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD7 4QE | Tel:

01484 652954

Golcar Junior Infant And Nursery School


Welcome to the Manor Road PTFA, a sociable group of parents, teachers and friends of Golcar J I & N School. We are always on the lookout for new people to join in on the fun! We cherish the thoughts and ideas of everyone, no matter their background or outlook.

Our mission? To roll up our sleeves and give our kiddos the best possible start in life by working our magic and raising funds to support their education. We're not just about the serious stuff, we love to throw a good shindig or two! With regular discos, epic Summer and Christmas Fayres, along with fashion events and movie nights we raise funds as a registered charity to support our childrens' education.

Any level of help and support is gratefully received.

Helping at Events

We're constantly on the hunt for friendly folks to lend a hand at our events. Whether you're up for setting up, supervising stalls, serving food, or bringing fresh ideas, we'd love to have you on board! We also appreciate any connections you might have with local companies who are keen to donate a raffle prize. Maybe a voucher for a scrummy restaurant, a relaxing salon, a thrilling football match, or a blockbuster movie? Anything to help our cause would be gratefully appreciated!


Do you have any secret superpowers or hidden talents that the PTFA could use? Are you a tech wizard, an artistic genius, a DIY guru, a green-thumbed gardener, a baking pro, or a marketing whiz? If you are, let us know! We'd love to team up with you.


Manor Road PTFA is now a legit charity, meaning for every £1 donated, we can claim an extra 28p through Gift Aid (thanks, HMRC!). So, if you're collecting sponsorship, make sure to tick that Gift Aid box. If you're feeling extra generous and want to make regular donations to PTFA, you can set up a standing order (we'll send you the bank details and a Gift Aid form).


2022/2023 Events

Wow, what a year! Its certainly been a busy one for the PTFA!

  • Halloween Disco
  • Christmas Fair
  • Year 2 & 3 Movie Night
  • Mothers Day Shop
  • Easter Raffle
  • Coronation Disco
  • Fathers Day Shop
  • Year 4 & 5 Movie Night
  • Leavers Disco

Raising over £4,000!


Get Involved!

Contact us at


2023/2024 Upcoming Events