Golcar Junior Infant And Nursery School

Welcome to

Golcar Junior Infant And Nursery School

  1. Our Classes
  2. Year 3

Year 3

Welcome to our Year 3 page

Our classes are Otters and Squirrels

Year 3 staff:

Otters teacher: Mrs Phillips

Squirrels teacher: Miss Sunderland

ETAs: Miss Wilde and Mrs Batley

Teaching and Learning in Year 3

Click on the link below to take a look at our long term plan - here you can view what we will be learning throughout the course of the year. 




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Medium term plans

Our topics are: Stone Age to Iron Age, Italia V Inghilterra and The Romans

Click on the links below to view our medium term plans for each term:



 Italia V Inghilterra MTP Spring.docxDownload
 Stone Age to Iron Age MTP Autumn.docxDownload
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 Ruthless Romans MTP Summer.docxDownload
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Knowledge Organisers

Knowledge Organisers are designed to help us with our learning throughout the year.

Please click on the links below to view our Knowledge Organisers for each term:

Stone Age to Iron Age - Autumn term

Italia V Inghilterra - Spring term

Romans Knowledge Organiser - Summer term


Class Countries

Every year group in our school learns about a different country. By the end of year 6, the children will have complied a Passport to the World containing the learning they have done about each country.  In year 3, our class country is Italy. We learn a lot about Italy through our topics Italia Vs. Inghilterra and The Romans. 

PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economics education)

PSHE education in school is promoted through our wide and varied curriculum which is carefully planned to enhance the children’s personal, social, emotional and economic development.

At Golcar J, I & N School, we use the PSHE Association’s three core themes: Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World. These three themes form part of a developmental, spiral curriculum. This means that the same key principles are revisited each year but are taken a step further to build upon the children’s knowledge and understanding. They permeate school life and are discussed regularly in assemblies and lessons, forming part of our day to day vocabulary.

Autumn Term themes - Online safety, Cyber Bullying, Respecting ourselves and Respecting others including culture and diversity.

Health and Wellbeing

Children will be following the thematic model document for health and wellbeing. There is no sensitive subject matter to inform you of at this time. During the first half term, children will be exploring healthy and unhealthy choices in relation to food, exercise and sleep. They will also discuss habits and the positive and negative effects these can have on a healthy lifestyle. In addition to this, we will discuss feelings and strategies to identify, talk about and manage their feelings.

After May half term to Summer, children will learn about growing and changing. This will involve recognising how strengths and interests form part of a person’s identity, discussions about what children are proud of (both in and out of school) as well as basic strategies to manage setbacks. Our final few weeks learning will focus on keeping safe in the local environment and familiar places. We will identify typical hazards at home and in school, discuss fire safety as well as road, rail, water and firework safety. Children will explore how to assess and manage these risks and the importance of following safety rules from parents and other adults.


Year group newsletters contain information about current learning, reminders, how to support your child's learning at home and key dates. The newsletters are sent out via School Ping,  are uploaded to our Class Dojo pages and can be viewed by clicking the links below.

Click Here to access the latest newsletter:



Home Learning

Click on the links below for our home learning menus - these are linked to out Topics:

Stone Age to Iron Age Home Learning - Autumn term

Italia V Inghilterra Home Learning - Spring term

Ruthless Romans Home Learning - Summer Term

How you can support your child at home...

Reading - reading is possibly one of the most beneficial ways you can help your child to progress. Please try to read with your child each evening and ask them questions about what they have read to ensure they have fully understood the book. Also please add a comment and sign the reading record so we can see that your child has read at home.

We ask that you keep reading books and reading records in your child's school bag, so that is is returned to school everyday. This way they can also read their reading book in school each day, either independently or with an adult. Reading books will be changed when needed and Library books will be changed each Wednesday in Squirrels and Otters.

Times table Rock Stars - each child has a password so they can access Times Table Rock Stars website at home. This allows them to improve their skills on the times table they currently need to learn. In Year 3 we learn the 3x, 4x and 8x tables. You could quiz your child on the facts. Ask them to recite them in order, backwards or ask random questions. When they become more confident they should be able to answer division questions using the times table they have learnt. Time Table Rock Stars is a game which will do this in a stimulating and competitive way. If you have any queries about this do not hesitate to contact us.

Weekly spellings - we will hand out weekly spellings each Friday, please encourage your child to complete and return the spelling practice sheet - the sheet can be returned on Mondays, so children can use it at home to practice throughout the week.

Maths - Maths home learning will be on the Active learning website, where children can access activities linked to the the learning in class.

 Home Learning -  Topic home learning will be sent out for each term. We provide a menu of activities to choose from each term and we ask that at least 1/2 activities are completed each term.

If you feel you need further support with your child's learning at home please contact us and we will be more than happy to help you with this.

Useful Websites

Times tables Rock Stars- https://play.ttrockstars.com/

White Rose Maths- https://whiterosemaths.com/for-parents/

Super Movers- https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/times-table-collection/z4vv6v4

BBC Bitesize-https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/primary

Oak Academy- https://classroom.thenational.academy/subjects-by-key-stage/key-stage-2

