Manor Road, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD7 4QE | Tel:

01484 652954

Golcar Junior Infant And Nursery School


School Uniform


Our main school colour is Royal Blue, uniform items are listed below.
 For your uniform requirements please see


School uniform

Skirt/formal school trousers/grey or blue gingham pinafore dress/school shorts

Plain Dark Grey or Plain Black

Formal blouse or shirt/polo shirt

School logo royal blue sweatshirt
School logo cardigan
Plain non-logo royal blue sweatshirt

Plain non-logo royal blue cardigan

Royal Blue
(No hoodies - these are only used for Y6)


Shoes or plain black trainers

Plain White, Grey, Black or Blue

Plain Black

Uniform for PE and Games (come dressed in these on PE days)

Sports shorts or tracksuit bottoms

Navy blue or black

T shirt or polo shirt
Black jumper School jumper or black sweatshirt (no hood) or plain black training zip up top (no hood)
Plain black trainers Plain black

Swimming (Year 5)

Boys and Girls in year 5 take part in a series of swimming lessons, on these days they will need a swimming cap, towel, swimming costume or swim trunks/briefs. 

Please remember to name and label all items belonging to your child.