Manor Road, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD7 4QE | Tel:

01484 652954

Golcar Junior Infant And Nursery School

Online Safety

Please find a link to our 'Online Safety Policy' here.  


Here you will find information about how to keep your child safe at home when using the Internet.

There are links to different websites that provide lots of information. We use some of these websites in school to teach the children about appropriate and safe behaviour online. 

We aim to add a new parents' guide each week, so please check in regularly to keep up to date with the latest apps, tech and online crazes!

We hope you find this information useful.

Here is this week's handy parents' guide to iPads, published by National Online Safety.

These are some of the most recent guides published by National Online Safety.

Here are guides we have previously shared. If you would like a full size digital or printed copy of any guide, please contact school.

UK Safer Internet Centre

The UKSIC has made some home learning materials available on their website.

They are fun, age-appropriate activities to do with your child.

Take a look by clicking this link.

Think U Know

The parents’ page of CEOP (the government’s Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) is full of good advice and informative videos highlighting the importance of online safety.



A useful website with all the rules your children need to follow.

Parent Zone

A brilliant website with loads of useful information about all aspects of digital parenting.

Responsible Use of the Internet and Email 

As part of students' curriculum enhancement and the development of ICT skills, we are providing supervised access to the Internet and email.
Students will be able to exchange electronic mail with partner schools and research information from museums, libraries, news providers and suitable web sites as part of their programme of learning.
Although there have been concerns about students having access to undesirable materials, we are taking positive steps to deal with that possibility. We obtain our Internet access through Kirklees Schools Broadband which operates a strong filtering system which restricts access to inappropriate materials and is continually updating its database of known offensive sites. We use email through a carefully controlled system which ensures that pupils are not exposed to risk from outsiders gaining their email address. All our screens are in public view and, as stated above, access will be supervised.
Should you wish to discuss any aspect of Internet and email use (or to see a lesson in operation) please contact school to make an appointment.
Your child will be asked to sign the Responsible Use of the Internet and Email Agreement that we operate at our school. (should you wish to view a paper copy your child’s teacher will be able to provide you with one).

There have been some important recent updates on Snapchat so we have updated our guide for parents and carers accordingly

FAO Parents of pupils in Years 5 & 6
Re: Snapchat
We would like to alert you to a potential new risk for those children using Snapchat, which has recently introduced a feature called SnapMaps, which allows users to share their exact location with other users. This could obviously pose a danger to children if they are communicating with people they don’t really know.
All evidence shows that children of primary school age are not normally able to identify such risky behaviour, which is why most social media apps (including Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram) have a minimum age limit of 13.
If your child is using Snapchat, they can enable a “Ghost Mode” whereby their location is not shared.
Guidance on this issue is available at:
A link is available through the online safety page on the school website.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns about your child’s online safety, please feel free to contact school for advice.