Why is it important to learn Geography?
Geography is important to enable children to have the ability to question and ask why.
At Golcar JIN school, we strive to provide our children with the opportunities to become global citizens, deepening their interest and wonder in exploring their own place in the world. We believe it is important to provide ‘Living Geography’ concerned with children’s lives, their futures and their world. Through our curriculum, our children will develop a sense of their world at the local, national and global scales, understanding the interconnections between how people and the environment interact.
What does the subject look like at Golcar JIN school?
Geography is taught through a curriculum that allows the children to discover the world around them and then make enquiries to further understand the world around them. We use a topic based approach to ensure learning is meaningful and relevant. Clear links are made with other subjects to provide a whole picture of Earth and its history. Our Early Years pupils are taught to look closely at the environment around them and make comments and ask questions about what they observe. Our Key Stage 1 children are taught to make observation about and study the local village and then look at the wider world by making comparisons between India (a hot place) and Antarctica (a cold place), following on from this they will do an in-depth study of Kenya. Our Key Stage 2 children are taught geographical skills that allows them to use an atlas, globe or measuring equipment to discover and enquire about locations in the United Kingdom as well as the wider world such as Italy, Brazil and Mexico. This approach allows them to questions aspects of their soundings, make observations, deepen their knowledge of the local area and the wider world.
How do we celebrate our learning in Geography?
First hand experiences within the world around them.
Making links with countries that each class have adopted through the passport to the world.
National Curriculum
Whole School Geography Overview
SMSC in Geography