Welcome to our SEND page, dedicated to our school provision for children who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)
At Golcar JI&N School we endeavour to meet the needs of our pupils within the classroom alongside their same age peers. Our teaching and non-teaching staff continually support a wide range of individual needs which include (but are not limited to) Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, ADHD, ASC, sensory processing difficulties, attachment disorder, hearing impairments and social, emotional and mental health linked difficulties.
The organisation of provision for pupils with SEND is not a ‘one size fits all’ approach but an approach that is tailored according to the barriers to learning experienced by the pupil. Our aim is to overcome such barriers to enable every one of our pupils to successfully participate in all aspects of their school life.
On this page we have tried to answer all the questions parents have asked us about the provision we have for children with special educational needs. We hope this is clear and easy for you to understand. If you would like further information, please contact Tasha Hughes (SENDCo) on 01484 652954.

For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Mrs Zartasha Hughes and I lead on Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) provision at Golcar JIN school. You can contact me at office@golcarjin.com. If you are thinking of applying for a place at our school, and your child has additional needs, please get in touch and we can help you to discover all the adjustments we can make for your child. Children with an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) get priority admission to the school. Please see our admissions page or speak with the SEN team who are managing your plan. We can support your child’s needs and have an accessibility plan which you can view on the accessibility web page.
My role involves working closely with parents, teachers, health services and a range of outside agencies to ensure that children needing additional support make progress and reach their potential. I work closely with parents/carers, providing them with information and ensuring they feel involved in making decisions about their child’s education.
I ensure that additional provision is in place for those who need it and monitor the impact of this to ensure all children are making progress and achieving to their full potential. Sometimes the support required may be short term, allowing children to close any gaps in their learning so that they can keep pace with the rest of the class. Whilst other children may require long term support due to their medical, developmental or emotional needs.
All of our school staff team support pupils with individual needs whether it be the admin team arranging and confirming meetings with parents and professionals, lunchtime supervisors adapting lunch breaks to suit the needs of pupils in their care or teaching and non-teaching staff planning, implementing and reviewing provision. Our SEND team extends well beyond our staff to include professionals such as school nurses, emotional well-being support workers, occupational therapists, speech, language and communication therapists, outreach workers, educational psychologists and the SEN commissioning team.
There are other specialists in our SEND team and these include:
Mr Andrew Beech Behaviour and Inclusion Worker
Mrs Sally McVeigh and Mrs Rachel Hughes Educational Literacy Support Assistants (ELSA’s)
If you have any other questions about SEND provision, please contact the office and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
The Kirklees Local Offer is for families of children and young people with special educational needs and /or disabilities. The Local Offer contains information about services relating to special educational needs, disabilities, education and more for children and young people aged 0-25. It is part of the new Children and Families Act which has brought in a number of important changes about support and services Click here for information about Kirklees local offer.
What is a School Offer?
The School Offer is a summary of what you can expect from our school to support children with Special Educational Needs/Disability (SEND). This provision is educational or training provision that is additional to, or different from, that made generally for other children of the same age. It may take the form of additional support from both school staff and/or specialist support staff. Our school offer is detailed both within our SEN policy and within our SEN information report on the links above.
Useful Links
We work alongside a range of charities and organisations to support the needs of our pupils. Many of the websites and links below have information, advice and groups available for parents to access to enhance the support they are able to offer their children.
Social Emotional and Mental Health Support
Physical and Sensory
Communication and Interaction
Parent Support