Golcar JIN aims to ensure that all its pupils receive a well-balanced full-time education which maximises opportunities for each pupil to realise his/her true potential
You can view our Attendance Policy here.
Regular and punctual attendance helps children to do well at school. If children are to achieve their full potential, we expect and encourage good attendance habits. Attendance is the responsibility of all: staff, parents, pupils and governors. We want every child to strive towards excellent attendance.
Attendance is monitored daily by the office team. Parents/carers need to make sure they ring the office to inform of us an absence as soon as possible, if this is not done, we will ring you to find out the reason for the absence.
If we are unable to make contact, a home visit will be made on the same day.
If you do need to take your child out of school, you must fill out a ‘Leave of absence request’ form which can be obtained from the office. This gives us vital information about your child’s whereabouts and their first and last day of absence. For children to achieve their full potential and have a successful future, they need to attend school punctually every day.
Punctuality is key for pupils to gain the greatest benefit from their education. Our pupils are required to arrive by 8.50am. It is vital that they not only attend school regularly, but are also punctual, as late arrival disrupts teaching routines and may affect the learning of others in the same class; every pupil should have access to the full-time education to which they are entitled. Good time keeping is a vital life skill which will help our children as they progress through their school life and out into the wider world.
You will need to obtain a leave of absence form from the school office. Please try to give school as much notice as possible.
It is important we know where your child is and that they are safe and well. We also need to know when their first and last days of absence will be.
The Local Authority can issue a penalty notice (fine) for each parent for each child if you take your child out of school for 10 or more school days. This will be issued on your child’s return to school. The fine is £80 per child for each parent.
You will not receive a fine for nursery age children because they are not of statutory school age. However, your child will lose their nursery place if they are absent for 20 or more school days. Our nurseries are very popular and we have lists of children waiting to start, therefore we cannot guarantee their nursery place on your return.